Re: Kings of Heortland

From: Jeff Richard <richaje_at_...>
Date: Sun, 05 Jun 2005 23:24:45 -0000

> Maybe not there - but can't it be fitted in somewhere else? Surely
> somewhere, must have gone to extraordinary lengths to try to get
the Pharoah
> back? And failed horribly?

That I'm pretty sure certain of. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if some group of pro-Pharaonic folk ignored the instructions of the Book of Belintar and went to extraordinary lengths to try to get him back and screwed stuff up so bad that the Pharaoh remains trapped in hell for another forty years or so. But I don't think that Orngerin did it.

> > Besides, after Orngerin dies, all hell (literally)
> > breaks loose on Heortland.
> Literally? Sounds interesting.

Sure, chaos eruptions, foreign sorcerors, the revival of the Kitori, the Fimbulwinter - heck, Heortland is shoved quickly from the Golden Age into the Late Storm Age and then into the Greater Darkness in a span of five years. A region that had enjoyed more than two centuries of comparative peace and prosperity is plunged into war, famine, occupation, and world-changing heroquests. A very interesting time.

> But that was the Pharoah gone, not Orngerin III gone (really, was
> repetition of the name necessary?). Orngerin's death without an
heir was
> bad, sure, but that wasn't the cause of hell breaking loose etc.

Had Orngerin lived longer or been a stronger figure, maybe he could have rejected the Andrinic reforms and invoked Larnste's ways to once again change Heortland so that it could survive with the changing of the world. Could have, should have, would have - but he didn't. And as a result, folk like Broyan of the Volsaxi and Rikard Tiger-Heart ended Andrin's kingdom and his world.


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