Re: Re: Steal Woods and the Heortland Plateau

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Wed, 08 Jun 2005 20:19:20 +1200

LC wrote:

>Hang on a tic, now a memory is rattling in my brain that Sartar was an
>initiate of Issaries. Or am I remembering that wrong?

The only relevant statement is during a Lore Auction at one of the Down Under Glorantha-Cons which said that Sartar was "trying to replace" Issaries. This however is his activities in Kerofinela and not upon leaving Heortland.

>That reminds me. Do the Larnsti just support kings of the Hendreiki, or
>do they become kings themselves?

The Kings of the Hendreiki were once Larnsti but not any more since the Pharaoh came.

>Although I like the "it's actually an oath" thing, I thought they were
>tied to the area because of the print somehow; caught in the irony that
>that they espouse absolute freedom but are irrevocably bound.

I actually think the limit is a geas.

--Peter Metcalfe

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