Re: Sacred Time rituals in play - saga style

From: Rob <robert_m_davis_at_...>
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 12:30:54 -0000

Which of course you can't, as who would like to record every augment of every die roll to put into the write up. You put down the stuff that is important. I don't know about the 'real sagas' I have never read them, but I enjoy the saga write ups of peoples games. Why? Because you understand the thought processes and the in game chatting that goes on to make a role playing session. I feel that comes through the write ups. Red COw and the Seattle Farmers campaign probably try to be a little too authentic for my tastes (I prefer the Gwandor) but then that is a matter of taste. But I enjoy them all.

For example, Josh in our game decided to go off and murder one of his fellow defenders on the cradle (yes we're playing that one at the moment) for the promise of a bit of loot. What on earth was going on in his mind god only knows. Hence I can write generally about what he does but not in detail. Some people (like your good self) are excellent at describing the motivation behind your characters actions and others are not. Like all these things you tend to write to the lowest common denominator or you skew the writeups in favour of a few of the characters. Like the game, I try to give folk equal time centre stage (where possible).


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