Re: Where in Glorantha...?

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 08:39:41 -0000

 > Is your current game set? I have a Wintertop game, a PAvis (RQ) game
> and a game set in Sartar. I just wondered what regiosn other people
> playing in, as I seem quite traditionalist? WHat made you
fascinated by
> the gaming possibilities of that area?
> cj x

Run: the Swords campaign, which has wandered around Prax, down the Zola Fel on board the Cradle, and is now in Pavis. Why that area? Well, I wasn't the original GM. But it's somewhere where a bunch of Humakti mercenaries can find work, there's lots of background for us to pick up, and enough room for more to be invented. We have plenty of ties to clan-based Sartar, but mainly along the lines of "I severed from my clan because... and no, I haven't forgiven them".

Play in:
Dorastor, 1617 (PBeM RQ) - settlers trying to make a go of the place, originally. With most of us dead, we're likely to move on soon.

Upland Marsh, 1619 (PBeM HQ) - Lunars, retired from the army and given a nice bit of grantland as a reward. That's right, someone didn't like us. An interesting clash between Lunars of all types, the locals who we have to get on with (no army backing for us, we're out of favour!), and of course the Ducks.

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