Re: Re: Flying Magic in HeroQuest

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2006 15:16:52 -0800

> I think an army without airmobile troops of their own would have
> serious problems dealing with them in the same way that infantry
> armies often had terminal problems dealing with horse archers.

Considering the probable enemies of the Grazers will be Orlanthi, the question of airmobile troops will be answered. The "air cavalry" of the Grazers will not get any particular advantage of their horses, like ground troops would. What with Vanganthi fliers, summoned Air Daemons, and Kadone Grounders pulling horses from the sky, the Grazers are still outclassed in the air. Tarshites and their own Earth Magics woudl also tend to neutralize fliers (remember that Earth beats Air in the circle of the elements).

The other side of the Grazers are the Black Horse troops, and they have magics to use against Otherworld cratures - neutralizing a spirit when the owner is high in the air is...nasty.

Finally, I doubt that all that many grazers actually have "Fly Across Sky" fetishes - certainly not in *my* glorantha.

C'est par mon ordre et pour le bien de l'Etat que le porteur du pr�sent a fait ce qu'il a fait.
- Richelieu

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