Elmali clan [long]

From: bwbfc_at_...
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 15:24:34 EST

Peter Nordstrand asked about Elmali clanic and tribal rings. I've some ideas which I've put together here, if this can be of some help. I haven't seen Barbarian Adventures yet neither made a complete survey of the topic so there may be inconsistencies with canon and myth, and even with common sense, so comments are welcome.

Elmali Clans

I don't think full Elmali tribes exist, except maybe in Esrolia, but BA may contradict this? The Elmali clans say they remember the time of Elmal's leadership during the Chaos Age. I assume they are Heortlings, and follow Heort's Path. They recognize Orlanth as the king of the gods, and have a tradition of loyal obedience to their tribal king, but also free expression of their opinion and mental autonomy. The danger with this is for the Elmali to fall Yelmalion, that is they become too lazy to think by themselves and follow the chieftain blindly (at least, from a staunch Elmali's PoV and understanding of the enemy ways). But there is no chance this happens with True Elmali, they who struggle alone in the divine light surrounded by the forces of darkness, or Lunar legions and missionaries trying to convert them to Yelmalio, if you prefer the current story arc.

Popular acclaim is the normal option to elect a chieftain, as in Thunder Rebels. "Passionate" oratories replace open boasting, because the Elmali have kept the best traditions of the Fire Tribe.

Trust in the leader is the basis for Elmali clan structure. The clan men entrust their leaders with leadership. They obey his justice in peace and war, and expect him to be just. The chieftain has decisive power. However, clan members may give advice and opinions through the voice of the their speakers on the outer ring (which is similar to that described in TR with appropriate cult changes, though I think Harst and Mahome will be present) and the inner ring (Anatyr's ring).

The chieftain chooses among the skilled people the sworn servants who will be in his household. This is family and liegemen. It's among the liegemen that you find such individuals as Humakti, Issaries traders and the usual list. An exception to this is the Chalana Arroy healer, for the cult of the White Lady is widespread in Elmali tribes, and the chieftain can easily find one among his kin or clan, aside from the healer who will stand at the outer ring. Among family household will be the old weaponthane and his warband, an old Kero Fin woman and her Yinkini son, possibly a Mahome devotee. Household is the chieftain's kin and companions. Elmal doesn't make much difference between the two. No Heler cultists are ever present in Elmali rings, for the two gods are traditional rivals. The cult of Hyraos Harpist was imported into Sartar during the time of Tarkalor, and his cultists are a curiosity to be found in Elmali clans.

Once the chieftain makes a decision, there is no appeal: the people follow him and stand fast. In effect, the chieftain has full power over his people until they decide to replace him. If the chieftain obeys Elmal's virtues and behaves properly, they won't likely dismiss him: Elmali recognize that most times are bad times and they have to stand fast as a ring around their chosen chieftain. Or in other terms, they're conservative of the world's present state for fear it worsens (which is Elmal's fate until the Liberator arises).

An overgrowth of the Elmali clans due to good conditions in Sartar by the time of Tarkalor's youth could have been the reason for difficulties of communication between the people and the leaders. This is also good conditions for a more centralized Dara Happan style system, exported by Tarsh, to encroach. Many Elmali fell and went to the Sun Dome Temple with Monrogh to build a parody of Yelm worship.

The inner ring, or chieftain's ring, or Anatyr's ring, are the most powerful specialists and companions who advise the chieftain, but obey him nevertheless as everyone in the clan. However the chieftain is traditionally supposed to listen to his advisors before making a decision, and only a stupid chieftain would not listen to wise people.

Anatyr's ring traditionally never changes, except when the ring members take the common decision to dismiss one of them.

As for the Ring composition, here's a sketch.

The Kero Fin cult is a stone age religion of fertility and childbirth (Mother Goddess). It's been rare in Orlanthi clans, but Elmali have adopted Kero Fin as their haven. Everyday Elmal stands at the top of the Queen Mountain. Kero Fin women are asked for blessings, and tend the shadowcats, who have special affection for them. Kero Fin women and Yinkini often end up married in an endogamous system uncommon in usual Orlanthi clans. Elmali like shadowcats.

Unlike Orlanthi clans, matters of law and accusations against people are serious matters, because Elmali take it seriously. They judge themselves and others harshly.

People complain at the chieftain's ring, who make the judgement in public, so to make certain of the clan's approval. The defendant may be one of the ring or just a cottar, anyway his personal dignity is deemed important, and the same strict ceremony and solemnity applies. If the defendant is judged guilty, he has no reason to be ashamed as long as he can repair his fault and save the clan's honour. In the meantime, the guilty people are bannished in the wilds. Since most accusations against Elmali are for cattle raid, it's common for guilty Elmali to find the real cattle-raiders during their bannishment and bring the cattle back to the complainant.

Note that the chieftain and ring are all included in the § above. However in this case the ring decides the issue in privacy and makes the judgement public in a dismissal ceremony which there again preserves dignity. Usually the ring member is rich enough to pay the fine if anyone asks for a fine, and remains an honoured member of the clan. (or closet bad guy).

The traditional folk legend which illustrates the virtue of clan justice is that of the lonely wanderer who must repair his fault in order to restore his clan's honor, before he returns with brighter glory.

Today the Lunars and Northrons are bringing Yelmalio back, as did Monrogh in Tarkalor's time. The Elmali clans left are small and scattered and conservative, and this helps them resist conversion to Yelmalio, but Lunar oppression is a strong incentive. Current Lunar scheme is to Dara Happanize and Lunarize the Elmali. Priests of Monrogh visit them to show the virtue of Yelmalio Yelmsson, and Kuschile riders are entitle to enforce Lunar law within their tula's borders. Besides the predominance of Yelmalio, the Northron priests of Monrogh also insist upon the Lunar connections of Elmalhara, grower and bearer of the sickle.

Most Elmali react to the Lunar way with strong dislike and say that they'd better be conservative than follow such a way of lies and oppression. Some Elmali certainly pity the corruption of the Fire Tribe and would like to save their long lost kin from Chaos. Since they cannot possibly attack the Lunar Empire, they hunt broos in the wilds and save their Yelmalion neighbours' sheep and cow from a horrible fate at the hands of Chaos.

However there are many signs of Dara Happan influence having already entered the Elmali clans. When people are over-worked, or over-crammed in a small territory, or over-pressed by external forces, they tend to get nervous and fail to think properly, and be blinded in the Gbajiac Brightness of the Evil Emperor.

Golden trinkets and such, more show off, and more personal ambitions. This is what happened in Tarkalor's time, the Provincial Church administration who assist Fazzur did a good job. The Hyraos cult is even sponsored in harp contests with the Dara Happans.

Trolls are another enemy. Trolls raid steads by night with hordes of trollkin. They usually avoid Elmali, which simply means that their attacks are rare and often motivated by strong individuals such as Zorak Zorani.

Elmali often try to get along with the tribal leadership and other Orlanthi clans, which is not easy, given the average Orlanthi's conservative frame of mind and mistrust of weird people. However when they make a good acquaintance, this is often a durable one because the Elmali will stick to their new friends and force themselves into recognition, gifting them with cows for example. However many Orlanthi have come to believe the slander that Elmali are cattle and sheep-robbers.

Truly, Elmal is the most loyal friend of Orlanth, and Elmali are proud of their religion, and consider their god as the superior one among the refugees in Orlanth's house. Yet the Riders of Beren who often patrol around tulas are accused of doing unspeakable things to honest travelers, such as beating them up and taking the cattle back to its rightful owners. No wonder this arouses a lot of mistrust, even among the clans whose've seen their cattle returned.

Elmali are frequently raided for their horses. To steal a horse is a serious crime, and is matter for a feud with the Elmali tribe if the horses aren't returned quick. Elmali cows aren't interesting, unless they bear your clan's mark.

The fact that Beren riders do raid for cattle is only an unfounded rumor. Rather consider the optic of survival during the Chaos Age, when the last stand of light is dying and the Red Apples have so many cows they can afford to sell them at the Swenstown market.

Finally, Elmali have rivalries with some Heler-worshippers for summer sheep pasturage in the higher valleys of Quiviniland. In such matters, it's not deemed especially shocking for sheep to be stolen from each other, so no one ever complains. It's a reflection of Heler and Elmal's friendly rivalry for the heart of Nevala the Ewe.

Is there anything said about Hyalor worship in Barbarian Adventures? I remember from -somewhere- that the Dundealos worship him at a shrine (or is it Beren?), and from King of Sartar that the Grazers worship him, but what about the Hyalorings of the former Runegate Triarchy for example?

Jerome Blondel

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