Overhead views

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_KtlXbYyi_E-MksgOQXHnHDfjPdfg-Nj5ui99operVXDReJ5QVJSFm963zZe77>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 19:20:47 +0100 (BST)

> And I found my house on the sattelite imagery of
> MapQuest:
> http://snipurl.com/1e8lf
> Check "Aerial image", then zoom in to the third bar
> from the top. My house
> is the one with the brown roof. (Interesting fact:
> this was taken some time
> between July and December 2005, as the area is still
> burnt over from the fire we had then).
> Google Maps for the same area is *at least* 6 years
> old, ...

I don't get satellite imagery from MapQuest, but Google Maps is pretty good


The one with the sort of triangular hedge on the south boundary. Close enough to see which cars are on the drive, and to deduce that it's about four years ago. My Audi A2, and Dave's Rangerover - we got rid of it shortly afterwards, it was ancient and was about to cost loadsamoney to keep running.

You know, flying Orlanthi must see the place like this all the time. We say they don't have accurate maps, because people in the ancient and medieval worlds didn't, but RW people didn't fly, either. Get a sage up there with a "copy perfectly" feat, you'll get Google Maps as line drawings.                 

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