> I'm not
> expert on native american myth, so a neil gaiman quote comes to mind:
> "...but you think about it: who's going to worship Coyote? He made love
> to Porcupine Woman and got his dick shot through with more needles than
> a pincushion. He'd argue with rocks and the rocks would win."
That's the guy.
> (Out of
> American Gods, a good read, by the way.)
Hated it. Until I visualized it as a comic, and it was tolerable.
> Loki. Pretty much 100 % bad things.
I disagree hat he's 100% bad. If he kills Tjjazzi for us and rescues
Freya, that isn't bad.
Nonetheless, to illustrate what I mean about the masks: Hermes and Loki
are that same essential raw power of disordering the social conventions,
but contained in a package appropriate to the culture. But not Trickster.
> >> I would also have guessed that pelorian tricksters, generally,
> >>would be more rotten, as a consequence of the solar guys' anal
> >>retentive obsession with order, no?
> >There are wide ranges of acceptability. As Trotsky said, to the uptight
> >DHs everything that is not "good" for their upper class standards is
> >bad. But if Carrot Man put a whoopee cushion on the Emperor's throne
> one
> >time, do you think that the Lodrilites (90% of the population) would
> >consider it to be bad? Yet the upper class would likely consider it
> >evil, a capital offense, and chop Mr. Carrot up. (again).
> Ha ha. Yes, a lot depends on where you are when you hear a story.
> Someone mentioned Bugs Bunny earlier in the thread. We all love to
> watch him, but take a minute to think about what would happen if you
> actually ran into him on, while on a heroquest. Personally, I can't
> think of a scarier, tougher, and more
> no-matter-what-you-do-you're-gonna-end-up-toast trickster.
Never trust a trickster.
At which point I will categorically remind everyone that I have never claimed to be a Trickster, and have never been so stupid, intoxicated, intimidated or inflamed enough to have done so.
-- Greg Stafford President, Issaries. Inc. Love without reserve, Enjoy without restraint, Live without dead time.
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