Re: What do they look like?

From: digodiegodigodisco <Digodiegodigodisco_at_B2HiWjMU7Zc-omfdcESHqc20HzcgSOHVppaTSwsNRJrvFG2GggS48ilZZ>
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2008 08:19:07 -0000

> So please someone, can you help me whith looks and behavior of
> *god learners
> *EWF
> *dara happans
> *orlanth

I never thought so much about the God Learners looks like. When I read about I image them jusy like west wizard and sorceres.

The EWF is more funny than the God Learners. in the same way that the R'n'B, Rap and Hip Hop people has it's own no-verbal way of comunication with expresives movements of hands, arms, stand position and way of walk, the EWF peoples, in his imitate the draconic behaviour, they would show a no-verbal comunication based on draconic comunication. I suggest this conducts:

-Walking a little bit bended down
-No arms movements
-Quick tonge móvements, taking out the tonge in several times between 
the pronunciation of the words
-Stare look.

After that we can estabilish a way of dress and a way of think but I'd rather focus on the Dragon's culture before try to plan how this culture would be asimilated by the EWF humans.

About the Dara Happans I considered them like the ancient greek with an ancient and rich history and roots that It can look like the ancient mesopotamian peoples and the Summerians.

And about the orlanthi I would try translate a paragraph extrated from a document called "Ejércitos de Glorantha" written by Slaicepse. You can get the full document original at the Gloranthahispana yahoo groups web site:

"De todos modos hay que diferenciar muy claramente entre pueblos Orlanthis de diferentes orígenes, que no parecen tener mucho que ver entre sí. Desde los theyalanos del norte, como los Yggarios (Germanos Septentrionales: Noruegos) o los Junoranos y Jonatinos antiguos, anteriores a la colonización malkionita (Suecos...) hasta los pueblos orlanthis de Ralios (Germanos Occidentales: Alemanes) poca relación podemos establecer con los "bárbaros" de Maniria (Celtas) excepto en un caso excepcional, los habitantes del Paso del Dragón (Sajones o Ingleses), aunque esto tiene una justificación muy clara: tras la Guerra Matadragones que aniquiló a toda la población autóctona, los pueblos colindantes estaban tan atemorizados que renunciaron a repoblar este fértil valle, y fueron otras gentes venidas de lejos las que terminaron por apropiarse de él. Los actuales Sartaritas procedían de Ralios, como los Pastizaleños proceden de Pent, y no del vecino Prax. Del mismo modo, poco parentesco podremos establecer entre los dos grupos anteriores y los pueblos del llamado "Cinturón Bárbaro" de Peloria: Talastar, Brolia y Tarsh (Eslavos) que parecen ser oriundos de las orillas del Mar Blanco y haber sido rechazados a las zonas más agrestes de las colinas por las culturas asentadas en el rico valle del Oslir."

"Anyway, It's necesary to estabilish diferences between diferent origins of orlanthi people, cause it looks like there are diferences between them. From the north teyalans like iggers (north german: norwegians) or the ancient junorans and jonatines, previous malkiony civilization (swedishes…) to Ralios Orlanth peoples (west germanics: germans) we can establish just a little bit of relation with the Maniria barbarians (celtics) but with one exception, the Dragon Pass inhabitants (saxons or english) because of Dragon Kill War wiped out all natives, the surrounding people were so frightened that they gave up to people this fertile valley, and it were far away people who estabilished themselves there. The current sartarites came from Ralios as well as the Grazers came from Pent and not from neigbouring Prax. In the same way, we cannot estabilish so much kinsip between the previous two groups and the pelorian "Barbarian Belt":Talastar, Brolia and Tarsh (slavs) who I think about they are White Sea banks natives and the peoples from the Oslir river rich valley drove them back to the steepiest hills."

It is a suggest that I like and follow to my game. It helps me to build the escenarios and to have a whole genertela understanding.

> Yours grateful
> Calle

Diego Iglesias            

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