That is exactly what new initiates to the Lunar Way are doing. Prior to the Lunar Conquest, clansmen who initiated to a Lunar god would be cast out and outlawed - just as if someone initiated to Jagrekriand or came back worshipping Malkion.
With the Lunar Conquest, that's harder to do - most Lunar converts are under the protection of the Lunar Army. Kill them and you pick a fight with the Empire.
> As for "incompatible", the Storm Tribe makes worship of Air and Earth
> compatible, rain (Heler) and Sun (Elmal) compatible, healing (Chalana
> Arroy) and death (Humakt) compatible, so why not?
They aren't incompatible - they are joined through Orlanth and Ernalda. The Red Moon, however, is an unending enemy of the Storm Tribe.
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