Re: Troll vision

From: Gavain Sweetman <gavain.sweetman_at_EuLYIegkSmoaZQyDYNQcqT2Esx7-uX-j72PQ1qSklhxFvFGjbpbzq9D4x5iQ>
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 09:22:34 +0100 (BST)

>> Chris Lemens <>

I've always liked the notion that a troll's darksense can sense past areas of light that break up areas of darkness. So, a troll could sense well what's under

this tree and that tree across the meadow, but not what's in the bright sulight in between. I'm not sure whether or not I'd prefer that the darknesses have to be connected (though not in a straight line, obviously -- straight lines are a light/sky thing).

I like this notion too. I've always felt that it makes sense for the trolls' darksense to work via the element of darkness. I see everywhere being covered in a combination of light element and darkness element. Obviously in Wonderhome very little of the nasty light element penetrates and likewise the planes of Prax at midday the element of light dominates and darkness has to hide under the leaves of the grass and in the hollows in the ground, waiting for night to fall...

Just my thoughts :-))


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