Re: So what's SOLACE to a rokari ?

From: hcarteau_at_pvVmzNGkIes8uHuxGE-e10VWjngkPjceghgxw61y7l0OFMCn0ezUYFqSsi_LKZYFhjb
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 12:36:51 +0100

Selon Peter Metcalfe <>:

I'm not aware of the nature of this agreement...
/// It was my understanding that the malkioni dead can't be contacted, period. I
think Greg repeated it here a few weeks ago. I'd like to settle that issue.

... nor that the Rokari Creed goes so far as to say communion with the dead is impossible.
/// Interesting. Perhaps, then, you can talk to the Dead, but only through the
intercession of the Church - any other way would be necromancy and would have you sent to the stake ?

Their key doctrine is that Saints shouldn't be worshipped - not that they can't be worshipped but that they shouldn't be worshipped.
/// "Inspired Men of the Past are Exemples to reflect upon, not idols to
prostrate oneself before. Venerate Makan the Maker, not his tools on this world. or you will lose the way to Solace".            

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