Re: The Paps

From: Jeff <richaje_at_MEJmsJpeyWt6saei9sO6AltmhxWnohVi85yL6WlcYkXkzZUpvD2BF5GzK3RRWYoraBCY>
Date: Wed, 04 May 2011 08:12:13 -0000

> The closest I have to a myth in which Urox is Ernalda's consort is an old RQ scenario (the Harvest Bride contest) from Sun County (or possibly the River of Cradles), in which 'Storm Bull' is listed among the Husband-Protectors (as is Argan Argar). So this suggested that there was at least one such myth going in that direction -- even if it wasn't written up.  

OK, don't read too heavily into that as typical of the secrets known by an Ernalda cult initiate - that's a village festival that gives Urox a greater role because the Praxian Storm Bull cult is friendly to the Heortlings.

>Do we still have Husband-Protectors in Ernalda's myths.  If so, what is the current list? (For example, in contrast to the old published scenario referred to above, I would have thought that Elmal might make the modern list, but Yelmalio probably wouldn't). Indeed it might make a lot of sense for 'the list' to be different in different regions. 

See Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes page 136 and 138. Ernalda has had many lovers and husbands including Yelm, Heler, Flamal, and many others. However Orlanth is *always* her permanent and most important partner, even in Esrolia. Even the most hostile Grandmothers of Nochet acknowledge that Orlanth is Ernalda's Beloved.

> However that wasn't my point. My point was that if a Theyalan looks at the Paps and (possibly incorrectly, but not illogically) sees the barbarians worshipping an aspect of Ernalda by another name -- which is what I understood from your earlier post-- might they not also see that the barbarians' Ernalda has a consort who is strikingly similar to Urox?

They see that the barbarian's Urox has a consort strikingly similar to Ernalda's daughter Uralda. Or maybe they even recognize her as Ernalda's daughter Eiritha - who is worshipped by the Theyalans as a herd goddess.


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