Re: Bagogi HeroQuest

From: Hartmut Steffin <pomeroi_at_ztq-dNNbRnpQ_eTqrnCv_bV4N8nxj92c67MvYTPycC5S5mBpih5fEZ06AiLRtmlnjUlI>
Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2011 10:39:40 +0200

> >For some reason entirely out of my control ;-) I need to think about a
> >HeroQuest for a Bagogi Hero.
> Well, at some point on the quest the Bagogi will definitely have to
> ask a frog to carry him over a river, but to complete the stage
> successfully he must attack and kill the frog while only halfway
> across...*g*

Thank you Stephen, to remind me to this wonderful fable. Of course I knew it, but it didn't come up to me.


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