Magic in Glorantha?

From: jessedn_at_...
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2004 14:53:15 -0000

Last night I ran the first session of my new HQ campaign.

While it largely went well (besides a player just randomly leaving as we were doing pre-play prep) a question arose during play regarding the use of magic in social situations.

While in the HeroQuest book it implied that the use of magic isn't the sort of situation that would cause any sort of social issues. It is integrated into the fabric of life and if a merchant wishes to use Issaries magic to help him with bargaining noone will think negatively of it.

I, and to some extent my group, feel a little bit odd about this. Why would someone, say a king or another noble in power be okay with a negotiatior being infused with the power of his magic while they are bargaining any more than he would be ok with someone giving him mood-influncing drugs?

Also is it easily recognizeable when an individual is using magic of the "wrong" type. For example one of the PCs is a devotee from a highly-theistic barbarian culture. Would he be able to recognize when an individual uses sorcery or animism, even in general terms? Would he just see magic?

Any suggestions?

Jesse Dean

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