More Lodril questions

From: bryan_thx <bethexton_at_VE5WOYmuJJrHyxF0w5fVihKnvxdpgD_Xk35YxjPuPNXPcbHIv3Lvbe40ZUNM3qY0ij>
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 21:44:47 -0000

Lodril is a great god, and great gods are not generally worshiped in their fullness. In RQ this distinction is generally ignored--one worshipped "Orlanth" or "Ernalda" or "Lodril" etc. In HQ however it is presented, seen well in the storm tribe with the aspects and sub-cults.

In the case of Lodril, what form does the actual worship tend to take?  There are his ten sons, and it looks, in the HQ core book, like Gerendo (spelling? The billy-goat god) may even be related to Lodril somehow.

Does he have aspects and sub-cults? Is all worship through his sons or other associated gods?

Also, does Lodril worship still include cults of Gustbran and Mahome, who according to the Orlanthia left the fire tribe for the storm tribe?

(I just started playing a Lodril worshipper in an online HQ game, so these long simmering questions are back near the top of my mind).

And a note from the old Lodril cult write up, regarding monster man....Alison stopped a bit early, omitting the spell, Smoldering Rebellion. I've quickly jotted down key phrases from the spell (the whole thing is rather long)

"This is a secret, long term, spell that has a life of its own. When a priest has been offended by his land's ruler beyond recourse, he can perform this ritual....If the miscreant ruler continues in his wicked ways, other priests and acolytes will be inspired to sacrifice to this spell, which thus feeds and grows.....As the spell gets stronger and stronger each POW adds to the final waits and grows until the ruler permanently retires or dies, or the spell activates. .....Only when the spell takes effect the whole land's peasant population rises in revolt."

So it is clearly a mass rebellion spell.            

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