> If backed into a corner on this one, I warn you I'll summon a
> fully qualified Nils to demonstrate just how woolily the term
> 'avatar' can be used in any given sentence! (You make being
> an avatar sound like a sort of dominant possession, whereas I'm
> happy just to think of it as being any sort (or a wide range of
> sorts, at least) of manifestation.)
Backed into a corner or not, your summons succeeded. I am
certainly guilty of using the term avatar, but woolily?
Hrmph! The Vith/Dogsalu idea is wooly enough to clothe a
commpany, but, to contribute anything to the discussion, I
prefer to use avatar in a Gloranthan context to mean a
partial manifestation of a deity, something done by a deity
who, due to transcendent nature, restraint by the Compromise
or otherwise is not able or willing to be immanent.
Nils Weinander
The world is a beautiful place and it's worth fighting for
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