First off, aside from the general levels of humour which accompany posts = of this nature, this is meant to be serious. Well, kind of. Mostly.
I'm rather a newcomer to Glorantha, so please forgive the rather small = knowledge base, here (ironically, when I was one of those 'oh so = serious' roleplayers, one of the things that kept me away was the = ducks... but now I'm mature and sensible!)... but basically a couple of = us are doing a bit of work in setting up a Gloranthan campaign setting, = and were wondering about the inclusion, and proper development, of = Durulz communities. I understand that little has been published recently = on the Durulz; there may be a considerable amount of info in the = RuneQuest canon, but sadly a lot of that lies outside my ken.
I'd therefore appreciate any pointers or help that people can give me on = our fine feathered friends: be it directions to published works, or even = campaign ideas that people have instituted themselves. We're quite = rigorous in designing these things, so are looking for all manner of = info that could help us colour our Durulz communities. It's a lot easier = for people to laugh at them and treat them as a joke if they're just a = transparent comedy race. Sure funny is fine, and good for the game, but = we want to include communities and characters which/whom are a little = more appreciated. There, I managed to say that with a straight face.
For example, I understand that there are Durulz in the east, where they = are called Keets. And presumably these differ in some moderate way from = their cousins around the Upland Marshes. In designing Durulz, have any = pointers been taken from our real world ecology and species? Mallards = versus eiders?
Obviously, Durulz have arms, are bigger and can talk (after a fwashion). = Therefore definitions of, and differences between, real world = surface-feeding, bay, Merganser and stiff-tail breeds are not = necessarily going to apply to their Gloranthan counterparts. But they do = offer some design ideas.
The title is a point in question. Do all ducks 'quack'? Surprisingly, = not all do. For example, the Long-Tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis) emits = a 'yodelling whistle'*.
For help in better roleplaying Durulz, check out the following link = (just navigate towards 'D' and 'Ducks'):
For a high pitched Sid James (Sir Sidney Rufffeather), I particularly = like:
Beyond considerations of species, what about sex? Whoah!... not like = that! I mean differences between ducks and drakes? Male mallards possess = a rather nice dark green head. Which is a lot cooler than the first = image which players generally first jump to, which is Daffy or Donald.
Best wishes,
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