Re: 14 is a magic number [moved from HERO WARS]

From: charlescorrigan <glorantha_at_...>
Date: Thu, 07 Mar 2002 11:44:00 -0000

> Basically, no feat is a "Strike" (ie, ends the contest
> in one shot, one way or another). Some may allow you to
> do un-natural things (Fly, Run on Treetops, etc), but
> in any extended contest there will be AP bids, and even
> "Decapitate Foe" won't instantly kill if APs don't drop
> to the right level.

My reading of the strike rules is somewhat different...

A strike can be successful in that it reduces the target's APs without activating the special effect. The strike's special effect only activates when the target's APs go below 1.

The benefit of a strike is that when the APs do go below 1 then the special effect does activate, even if that effect might otherwise require a complete defeat (-31 APs or less than 2x starting APs if otherworld magic is active) - instant death for example.


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