Re: Spending HP on affinities

From: nichughes2001 <nick.hughes_at_...>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 14:43:51 -0000

> The problem with this is that HPs are part of the meta-game: they
> represent what the PLAYERS want or can do, not what the CHARACTERS
> or can do. Trying to make the players act 'realistically' by
> particular uses of HPs is against the spirit of the game and the
> (apparent) purpose of HPs.

If players want magically powerful theist characters then they will either have to play devotees or spend some additional HP to reflect the fact that this particular individual exceeds the typical abilities of initiates. I'm struggling to see where the problem is.

HPs are indeed part of the meta-game but I see them as ways of deciding how your character stands out from the crowd rather than a means to gain "power" (in whatever sense). Power levels may not be equal but the interestingness of the character within the story should be. Initiates with strong magic should be rarer than devotees with strong magic, which makes them correspondingly more outstanding and unique. Fair enough as it will have cost more HP to achieve the same level of magical power.


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