Re: Re: Tracking Multiple Actions withinExtended Contests

From: Mike Holmes <mike_c_holmes_at_...>
Date: Thu, 03 May 2007 16:02:45 -0500

>From: samclau_at_...
>I'm quite similar to Bryan's parenthetical bit. Sometimes I *do* really
>want success, sometimes I don't mind, I'm just enjoying the situation.
>Sometimes, having a failure sprung upon me can be great (just had a
>minor one in Paul's game).

Here's my new catchphrase: Crave Victory, Relish Defeat.

People assume that if you enjoy defeats, that you must not like victory. All outcomes of resolution can (I'd argue should) be entertaining. Victory is it's own reward. Defeat creates new drama for the character. Either way, as a player, you win.

>In my game, Bryan's PC just criticalled his attempt to Devote. I had
>some fun stuff lined up for a failure, which I suspect he would have
>liked, but I've shelved it. I hope I've thrown him a curve ball anyway,
>and I have something else lined up which is fun too.

There's nothing as fun as creating a conflict out of somebody succeeding too well. My favorite, and one that works in a lot of situations, is to have an NPC who wants the same thing become jealous of the character's success. "You just got lucky, you don't deserve these accolades! Meet me at dawn, and we'll see who the real devotee is!"


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