Re: What attracted you to Glorantha?

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 12:04:45 -0000

I don't think this is completly true (OK I can't argue about it being too vague for you...). I think that the Gloranthaphile, and the RQ Grognard find themselves looking for structures that HW doesn't provide (either "This feat is based on a myth, how can I use the feat without knowing the myth?" or "How do my feats correspond to Bladesharp/Disruption/Harmony spells?") I don't think this is necessarily true for New Gamers (and the anecdotal evidence of others and my own experiences running for people who are non-Glornathaphiles seem to bear this out) who are happy to accept that feats work by allowing you to do what the feat describes...

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