Re: AA vs KL

From: nichughes2001 <nick.hughes_at_...>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 13:13:29 -0000

> > The only KL hurting rituals that I can think of is a) the Sun
> > Hell and b) Nysalor wounding KL.
> The only one I know as well and frankly I have no idea yet how I
can use
> them.

I would have thought that the birth of the Only Old One was the one event that had the sort of overall effect you might be after.

In which case you might find some other allies for the group - the Old Earth alliance of Esrolia for starters. As re-creating a demi-god is not likely to be an easy set of heroquests the help might be needed. I'd guess the options are:

  1. Create a new OOO - who might not end up being the same as the original even if you try to follow the myths to the letter. I would guess that only AA cultists - and possibly only those from Kathaela - would know the myths in sufficient detail anyway.
  2. Bring back the OOO - for which a big bad lightbringer quest might be just the job. And which would explain perhaps why the AA faction would be looking for human help - I'm not aware of any successful lightbringer quests by trolls.

Either way its just the sort of foolish mythic meddling that IMO should be increasingly rife as the Hero Wars progress. So good luck and go for it!


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