Re: Re: Low-level game

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 18:06:18 +0100 (BST)

The campaign I was talking about started in RQ, then moved to HW with a sigh of relief. Someday it may restart in HQ with an even bigger sigh of relief.

> Using one of Jane's examples, what about that lost
> sheep?

(excellent suggestions snipped)

FWIW, that scenario was the result of me getting an email the lunchtime before the game: "it's Pete's birthday, I've got a cake but it's sheep shaped. Please can we do a scenario that ends with him being given a sheep, so I can present him with the cake?"


So what happened was that some older members of the clan, who should have known better, had been doing the "Yinkin the Shepherd" HQ, based on Nick Brooke's story. (Don't ask me what they hoped to get out of it.) Result: sheep everywhere! All help required to get them back again. They ended up with one particular sheep stuck on a ledge part-way up a cliff, and did some climbing and use of ropes (and calming of hysterical animal) to rescue it. The sheep did indeed land on top of the right player's PC, and we brought out the cake.

(There was also fun with a trollkin follower being persuaded not to eat the sheep, but that's another story or six.)

> Work on their diplomacy and orate skills.
> Introduce them to their families and neighbours.

Patrons. Patrons are good. Patrons like to show off their special skills in front of the youngsters. Whether this is a good idea or not :) (Which is why they went cattle-raiding in mist so thick that almost everyone got lost, and the "kiddies" got separated from the adults.)

Jane Williams                                   
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