Working Up

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 18:04:20 -0600 (CST)


From: "Jane Williams" <janewilliams20_at_...>

made an interesting comment, and I want to bonce from it to solicit some discussion. I want to watch it, not answer your questions about it.

>I've always felt that this will go for most parties that want to do the
>Sky Ship in the first place. They'll want to go with her, they'll do
>anything to defend her, and they're very unlikely to take being treated
>as mindless cannon fodder, to do and not question, kindly.

I understand the desire of player characters to be always at the center of things, to be the most important characters in the game. But I do not always agree that this is correct, or even the best game.

The *Sartar Rising!* series starts with normal beginning Orlanthi who, through the scenarios, have the opportunity to work themselves up through the ranks to be close to Kallyr. If they play properly, they WILL get close to her, and they will have the opportunity to learn her secrets, her sorrows, her mistakes in a way that normal Sartarites will not have.

Let me even warn you: you know that KoS has two dates for her dying. Well, your Player Characters will have the choise, in play, to decide if they want to have her come back to life or not. I hope to, by that time, have revealed enough to you that you might not want to take her back from Rigsdal.

So, I have this long and intricate story working out (in publication too slowly I admit, but then, I have a couple of other responsibilities as well).

So, at this stage the players just have to be used to the fact that they are not the center of the world, that there are social conventions that restrict them to their duty, and that they will have to sometimes be patient to learn everything tht is going on.

So I guess my question is twofold:
1. Do you know this?
2. Can you convey to them that this is so, without offending them and making them want to break the game?

I am not going to ask if this kind of plan is OK with you, because it is how I do things. I just wonder if you understand that...

Greg Stafford

Issaries, Inc., publisher of HeroQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha. P.O. Box 272914 Concord, CA 94527
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