Re: Fiends and Cacodemon

From: Kevin Blackburn <kevin_at_...>
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2005 09:15:24 +0100

In article <Pine.GSO.4.58.0504230052080.21891_at_...>, Mikko Rintasaari <mikrin_at_...> writes
>On Fri, 22 Apr 2005, Kevin Blackburn wrote:
>> In short - scale it to your PCs and what you think they should be able
>> to achieve.
>Uh, Kevin. This is propably not what you want to hear, but I think it
>goes the other way.

I was looking at it from the aspect that you've chosen beings to try to scale that you've no strong reference point for. I was also trying to figure out how to do Kallyr's Shorter Light Bringer Pilgrimage in Storm Season 1625, with the players involved at an interesting level, which is why my mind was on scaling to the players. I grant you that it's possibly as useful to scale against some of the fixed values.
>When characters start being as tough as Jar-Eel or Harrek without being
>the Avatar of a living God (or is the white bear a spirit?) or the
>champion of a 10 million person magical empire, then something has
>propably gone wrong with the experiense and character development.

Not quite that powerful as I scale things! Give or take, they are now the most powerful hero band in Far Point (and have established their place within the culture to that end - Warthane of Far Point is one adopted and used title), and are not that far from the best in Sartar (Harrek and Jar-eel are still sounds off). I take the scaling points given to be the core skill, not the fully augmented skill (which ritual bonuses can make silly).

It's also not too horrible in that the diplomat/leader, seductress, and combat monsters are all distinct characters - reasonably specialised, rather than good at everything.

As for wrong - well give your players 148 sessions x 6HP, even with house rules and very strict interpretations of "used", you will have characters working at the epic level. I'm of the "you only die if you do something silly" attitude, and all the players are experienced, so I've got what I've got.

I suppose one failure is that the PCs have had a lot compressed into the four years game time - essentially full time adventurers for much of it, though with goals set as often by their culture as themselves. But it all seems to just about add up.

>What works for you is fine for your game, of course. I'm just trying to
>fit the Fiends and Cacodemon to the scale in the HQ book.
>10w2 Clan Champion
>10w3 Major Hero
>10w4 Superhero

A major hero ought to be able to beat a Fiend if its just toe-to-toe walloping. Surprises ought to happen!

A superhero ought to eat Cacodemon (of a RuneQuest type nature, where he was quite weak) for breakfast.

Kevin Blackburn                         Kevin_at_...

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