Thanks on gods' identities (was Re: Heroquesting tactics for gods' identities)

From: parental_unit_2 <parental_unit_2_at_...>
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 17:49:11 -0000

Thanks to Jane and Roderick for your responses on heroquesting to prove/disprove that two gods are the same entity. Both responses were what I was fishing for.

In summary: Our player characters want to separate two gods that an enemy had previously "merged" through heroquesting. In general, we might try any or all of the following

  1. Figure out the quests that accomplished the merger in the first place, cast ourselves as the enemies in those quests, and win.
  2. Strengthen the myths of neighboring communities where the gods are still distinct, presumably by heroquesting successfully on those myths. The relevant myths might be ones where the two gods meet and fight, where the two gods make different decisions in a similar situation, or something else.

We will face resistances proportional to the size of the communities affected, possibly as high as w9. The process could take many years. Some things that might mitigate the resistance and shorten the timeframe:

It also seems that we might be able to operate in the Mortal World to support the heroquesting effort. If we can weaken the enemy community's belief that the two gods are the same (through mundane missionary work, for example), then we might weaken community support for enemy heroquesters merging those gods.

Again, thanks for your responses.


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