Re: What's a Keyword?

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 13:20:23 -0800

YGWV Quoting Andrew Dawson <asmpd01_at_...>:

> On 1/15/07, Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...> wrote:
>> I'd prefer to just change Farming to Rural in the [Heortling]
>> Cultural Keyword.
> That works. I'd probably let city dwellers have "Urban" then.
>> PolJoni Homeland Keyword
>> Occupations Available:Cavalry Soldier (weapon thanes), Entertainer,
>> Healer, Nomad, Petty Noble
>> Native Abilities: Dragon Pass Geography, Prax Geography, JonP{oli
>> Customs, Speak Sartarite, Speak Praxian, Wilderness Survival
>> Men Only--Lance or Bow; and Sword Combat
>> Women Only--Childrearing
>> Typical Personality: Fear Dragons, Hate Chaos, Hate Lunars
>> Typical Relationships: to Ancestors, to Clan, to Temple
>> Magic: Common Magic, Storm Pantheon
> Thanks for the keyword. It contains some implicit details that I
> hadn't considered, such as a lack of a universal Riding ability,
> implying that some Pol Joni aren't nomadic (or maybe they just have a
> Ride rating of 6). Are these the equivalent of Prax's "Oasis Folk" for
> the Pol Joni?

YIKESThat's an error. Everyone in the PolJoni rides. My bad.

> Also, I wonder about the lack of Farmers or Hunters (only nomads are
> "producers"). I would just add Hunters, but is Farmer a rare
> occupation among the Pol Joni?

They don't farm.
Doubt there are full time hunters among them. Every CAN hunt, but the I don't think it's a profession.

> Should there be a typical personality trait toward the Praxians? Some
> sort of rivalry perhaps?

Probably. Hostility, fighting over the same territory, is part of hte package.

> In my current game, the Tarshites think the Sartarites (Heortlings)
> are ignorant and backwards country cousins, so such differences in
> customs and language are significant enough to be mentioned in play.
> (From my American PoV, the Tarshite/Sartarite relationship is like an
> historical English/Scottish thing.) I know there are bigger
> differences given the Heortling/Alakoring differences, but I think
> those two cultures are close, especially given the historical
> overlordship of Tarsh over the Satari. It's a MGWV thing.

I too think the basic, rural Tarshite culture is Heortling.

Greg Stafford

Issaries, Inc.
c/o Greg Stafford
1942 Channing Ave, #204
Berkeley, CA 94704 USA

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