Re:2nd Age Languages-Tradetalk

From: Felix Felix <felixtimestwo_at_msxzH_4H_ac-4JXUzgLbDRYsKUsKMHeu-lrAod6WX80W_l18d9wEiUEv538qpG>
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 01:45:44 +0000 (GMT)

I always thought that it would be good to make a few simple rules for players when they interacted using tradetalk to underline its limitations, and encourage the players to learn/use other languages, like only usings words without the letter 'e' in them, or no sentences with more than 6 words, something like that. Any ideas for a couple of simple rules to give a 'tradetalk' feel and to limit it a little in play?        

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