Who wants Pavic Tales

From: Matthew Cole <matthew.cole_at_W7PkzKQetTlmaBiJM5SvMAL_1EKSmEMpEetzNB_2hcpr-fu9fzDT362Ap2izXb6>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 14:10:42 +0100

Hi all

Can I get an idea of numbers of folks who want (would pay for) legal PDFs of Pavic Tales, the eighties RQ/Glorantha fanzine.

I'm sorry if this is not the correct forum but otherwise, honestly I have no idea what would be.

If broken it is, hmm, fix it you should, yesss.

-----Original Message-----
From: WorldofGlorantha_at_yahoogroups.com [mailto:WorldofGlorantha_at_yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of ttrotsky2 Sent: 18 September 2008 12:37
To: WorldofGlorantha_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: Naively looking for 'Pavic Tales'

> Its a shame that there seem to be so many obstacles in the way. To my
> admittedly uninvolved eyes PDF format seems to solve so many problems
> with print costs etc it would be a godsend for the pen and paper rpg
> market. Anyway back to lurking.

It does seem to have worked well for other publishers, even where old magazines have to be scanned in, rather than generating PDFs from he original files. Just as one example, Judges Guild are churning out their back catalogue as scanned PDFs, and, while I obviously don't know their sales figures, I presume they wouldn't have been doing it for so many months now if it wasn't working at all. Other publishers have done the same, too (WotC is selling scanned copies of the old TSR D&D gazetteers, for instance). Somebody, somewhere, is prepared to put up with the relatively low quality of scanned PDFs to obtain the otherwise unobtainable, and that might well work for Tales of the Reaching Moon, etc.

But it won't work for Drastic. Reproducing that can't be done legally without the publisher's permission, which won't be forthcoming.

Gamer and Skeptic

Trotsky's RPG website: http://www.ttrotsky.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/
Not a Dead Communist: http://jrevell.blogspot.com/


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