Matrimonial projects in Fay Jee : your suggestions

From: hcarteau_at_0foJ5GsHqkm-9m-56Go-dHebMIAYd1Yk_RvNovDIGCmzE4KO9PemIQUFauOS7DWx5wA
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 19:23:37 +0100

First, go away you who play in my Caroman campaign in Paris. You know who you are. Begone or suffer the curse of blindness for those who see what they were not meant to (yes this is a rokari curse).

Now, for all the rest of you, I have a question to ask, especially to those who know the "Blood over Gold" campaign.

One of my most imaginative, dynamic players is a Caselain Merchant called Ysgrin (yes, he is the same guy who decided to use the Diamond of Exchange to pacify Greymane). He has propositioned to Lady Brea, chieftain of the Vorstag Clan, a member of the Wenelian League. He did write to her a beautiful love letter, complete with poetry, plenty of amusing references and a strange mixture of high feelings, low politics, veiled threats and a crass display of his own riches and virtues. Truely a one-of-a-kind letter, for which I gave him 2 free HP.

The Lady Brea is herself a follower of Caselain, native-style. She has a chequered history with House Caroman and the PCs in general and Ysgrin in particular, including a wild night of passion and an extorsion attempt, among other things.

Why the hell did he do that ? I don't know. I merely mentioned that some Fay Jee families were begining to find him a suitable party for their daughters and got this letter a few days later.
What does he expect from it ? No idea, probably just MGF, as I do. Where do I go from there ? I have no idea. Any suggestions you might have on the subject of political marriage are welcome ! I would love to surprise him as much as he did me with this.            

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