A Humakti Clan

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 13:07:33 +1100

I've been impressed with creativity so far. There *are* ways in which a Humakti-dominated clan might work.

I imagine the clan would be effectively a mercenary regiment, serving both the tribe and a larger city ring, or in a very dangerous area, such as the Marsh or on the boundaries of Ginijji.

Marrying a humakti isn't very romantic and often times is impractical. They're *different* A percentage of them have no interest in sex. The clan would have a reputation though, and might accept brides (and husbands) from all over the place, as long as they have a warrior disposition.

Humakti isn't very interested in gender, so a larger percentage of women in the clan might be warriors. I've always imagined Vingans and Humakti getting on better than most - at least informally - though the life/death oppositions and *reasons* to fight make close cooperation impossible. They're both a little on the outer from mainstream Heortling life, so you could expect at least a few Vingans in the clan. The moots would be *very* interesting... Such women would be part of the clan's martial emphasis, but *wouldn't* be among the mercs.

The clan would be heavily into adoption - part of peace/victory arrangements with former opponents and perhaps regularly adopting thrall children. They would also attract sundered death followers from all over.

There is also a possibility of less formal or alternative marriage arrangements - group marriage, celibate marriages (still useful for bloodline and legal purposes) , even limited polyandry. Historically, warrior elites have a stronger preference for same sex relationships than cultural norms. This whole sex/life/marriage/bareblades/hoods thingee deserves more teasing out.

The humakti would need to separate themselves both ritually and practically from the fertility/life/animal breeding/husbandry aspects of stead life. You don't want them souring the fields every time they walk by, or having sheep lose a lamb every time a death shadow falls upon them. Again, ritual separation of one form or another was common in ancient life, though the Orlanthi aren't big on purity/pollution/separation the way say the Yelmalians are. Barrack type organisation makes a kind of sense here. Separate lodges away from the animals and perhaps a lodge for pregnant women is quite within practical bounds.

A few more stray thoughts for the mix...


nysalor_at_...                              John Hughes
Questlines: http://home.iprimus.com.au/pipnjim/questlines/

There was many corpse cold on blood-blackened ground;
>From warriors ravens grew red

And the Kheldon Queen called clans to vengeance, Hurricane Rebels! - I sing to their valour.

>From tulas harsh-stripped

            streamed the strong called to battle, Spears each held ready, shield-clash they sought. Fyrd-fierce and fearless, from hearth called and harstings Fashioned they feasting for Humakt's dark-swans.

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