Chilly kings' halls as bomb shelters

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Sat, 04 Apr 2009 19:02:26 -0000

> >Broyan and co were hiding out in some spare Short World afterwards,
> >weren't they? Some king's hall that was terribly cold: I should know
> >this, and my memory is going blank on me.
> I remember mention of this but not much in the way of details. My
> impression was that most people left well before the final assault
> and Broyan left with his bodyguard and maybe a few others at the
> last minute by going to the short world.
> Is it perhaps an otherworld copy of the King's hall in WW and the
> only way in and out is through the mundane world one? So he has
> to wait until the Lunars have scaled down their presence before
> he can sneak out past them. It's cold because it's winter and
> Orlanth is dead.

I found it! I'd put a copy on the Swords Wiki, of all places.

Jonstown Compendium #1,483
What Alfgar Whitecloak, chieftain of the Gray Fox Clan of the Sambari, heard from a man in Backford:
"There is a warrior king there who wears a hart's mask and helmet. Daimones built his great hall many ages ago. He is king of a Ring of Iron, and every counselor is a heroquester or a chieftain in hiding." Why did you leave? "Me, the son of a wheelwright? I would be lucky to hold some nobleman's horse and sleep in the snow outside the Hall. I prefer this place, our world, where my own might and right can earn me some deserved recognition. I would rather be a chieftain of peasants than be a peasant chieftain among the likes of Heort's Hall."
Are they dead, then? "Not now. Not all of them. But soon. How can they live up there, sitting in their ice-cold hall without food or drink — nothing but prayer. How will they fight, most of them like skeletons sheathed in ice, if they live at all. It is not a place for normal men."
And you saw Egil Cragbrow? "Indeed, from your description it could be none other. And upon his brow he wore a sacred crown, like the Sartar barbarian kings wear, and upon his arm was a quicksilver ring set with an obsidian stone, much like the one you wear, sir."

Sounds pleasant and hospitable :)

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